
Teaming up to offer enhanced health products that will make a difference to your users.

How we can partner

We are passionate about developing health technologies that solve problems, add value and increase efficiency, so let's talk and team up if the fit is right.

Tech Partnership
Tech Partnership

Enhance and integrate secure technologies to help your end consumers

Health Partnership
Health Partnership

Access Hi-tech solutions to increase reach and add value services

Traffic Partnership
Traffic Partnership

Enhance your products with tailored health tools

For Tech Partners
We work within the insurance and employee benefit sectors to create value added health products which support their consumers.
  • Enhance and combine technologies safely with bespoke health services
  • Share data, AI tools and analytics to create powerful health insights
  • Integrate health tools for your consumers
For Health Partners
We offer a global health network to support people whether they are at work, home or travelling.
  • Join our network of regulated and accredited health suppliers ranging from laboratories and clinics to medical professionals and pharmacies.
  • Enhance patient information with reliable and accurate health tools
  • Access Hi-tech knowledge and support to manage your patients securely
If you are a GP surgery, pharmacy, private clinic or a travel clinic click here to know more.
For Traffic Partners
We create unique health tech solutions supported by medical knowledge and advice.
  • Expand your travel products with tailored health tools
  • Keep your readers informed and engaged with reliable and accurate health information and tech solutions
  • Monetise your traffic through our affiliate scheme trusted tracking system
If you are a travel blogger or a travel magazine click here to know more.

or call us on 0330 880645 and we can get you started

Our Partners

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This is a low cost, effective solution to enable my staff to take control of their health and time. It also benefits the business through reducing absenteeism and increasing productivity.

Dermot Mullins - Managing Director at Ingenieur Ltd